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Avoid scams during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period
Looking to make changes to your Medicare coverage? Now’s the time: Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period started October 15 and goes until December 7. But as you compare your coverage options, keep an eye out for scammers — they know about Open Enrollment, too.
Consumer Alert
Helping kids navigate the online world: welcome to Youville
If the young people in your life spend lots of time online — watching videos, playing games and texting friends — do they have the skills to question and evaluate what they find there? The FTC’s new educational materials and classroom-based tools could help. Whether you’re an educator, parent, or youth group leader, head over to Youville and start exploring.
Consumer Alert
Helping veterans and military families battle financial fatigue
Despite the best of intentions and careful planning, you may find yourself facing a financial challenge when you least expect it. A furlough, layoff, illness, or emergency can crop up suddenly. Life can be full of surprises for veterans and military families, so, when faced with unexpected expenses or loss of income, what can you do to keep yourself afloat and your finances on track?
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